In this course, we will focus on the new and improved features that were introduced in SAP HANA SPS 11 and 12. Developers taking this course should be able to get up to speed quickly and begin leveraging these new features to enhance their own productivity, as well…
When I just finished up first week's lectures and assignments I must admit I finally feel home. With XSA finally open and industry standards are adopted, rathen than reinventing the wheel over and over again:
- Using GIT as a versioning repository instead of storing design time artefacts in database tables of the production system
- Incorporating concepts of container based isolation opposed to "single-process-rules-them-all" approaches
- Building on Cloud Foundary and thereby being much more open for existing applications and runtimes being migrated and then run on SAP HANA
- Abstracting application users from technical users for accessing system or database ressources while unifying authentication and authorization
Now the HANA Platform opens itself to the rich ecosystem of that open source has to offer. As a developer I can use existing know how from non SAP backgrounds and maybe even new patterns and technologies emerge that you can take away from HANA and apply it in other areas and on other platforms.
Yes, it finally feels like the right direction.
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